Properyty Forum 2021
Covidian revolution on the labor market. What new challenges do HR departments have to deal with?
Companies have coped brilliantly with the pandemic technologically and organizationally, although they have incurred heavy costs. The old adage: “the master’s eye makes the horse fat” has become obsolete, because managers have learned to hold employees accountable not for what they do, but for the tasks they have already completed. Although we still do not know to what extent teams will be hybrid, one thing is certain: in the creative industry it is impossible to work only remotely. Such a picture of the labor market in the era of the pandemic was outlined by panelists at the Property Forum 2021 session “Covidian revolution on the labor market. What new challenges must HR departments cope with?”.
- Małgorzata Czernecka, psychologist and business coach: What leaders want most is to go back to the office because then the scope of their duties will decrease.
- Artur Skiba, CEO of Antal: People want to return to some kind of normality and hardly anyone thinks only about remote work.
- Michał Bryszewski, director of real estate management at Savills: We cannot decide whether the hybrid will be a matter of an individual employee or the whole organization.
- Maciej Łobos, co-founder, CEO and architect of MWM Architects: It is impossible to do any creative work on a daily basis looking at the screen, because it involves “constant passing the buck”, which generates added value.
Home office is not for the creative industry
It’s impossible to work remotely in any creative industry. – We’ve tried to do that. The only good thing about pandemic is that you don’t have to drive to every meeting. We’ve learned to use technology, so you can have a remote meeting from time to time. However, it is impossible to do any creative work on a daily basis looking at the screen, because it involves “constant passing the buck”, which generates added value, believes Maciej Łobos, co-founder, CEO and architect of MWM Architects.
The expert points to another crucial change in the market resulting from the US-China war and the hybrid war on Poland’s eastern border.