Just like clean water and air, we also need fine architecture


Maciej Łobos for the May issue of Business and Style VIP Magazine.

The new housing estates that have been emerging in Poland in recent years are exactly what Western Europe is slowly demolishing. The idea of monocultures, where we only live in one place, work in another and shop in another did not work. It causes giant street traffic and snarl-ups. In recent years, technology has changed dramatically. Workplaces can be even created in city centers because they no longer have as much impact on the environment as in the past. No one needs to be convinced that people are most comfortable while living within their own quarters, and not in a block of flats, where there is nothing but residence.

Questions about nice and functional architecture are increasingly asked, which of course does not always mean that this sort of architecture is invariably wise. For the past few years we have been traveling more and more around Poland and the world, and we are intuitively able to distinguish when we feel good in some space and bad in another. We see what Germans, Italians and Danes propose and we wonder why we cannot use it in Rzeszow.

The Local Spatial Development Plan should be general, not detailed. If we define spatial order as organized diversity, then even looking at the old city we can see tenements that stand like a string, but none are the same. The building line, height, sometimes even the colors of the roofs are preserved, but at the same time each of these buildings is an individuality.
