Aqua Park

Project info
  • Location:
    Sanok, Queen Bona Str.
  • Client:
    City of Sanok
  • Area:
    12 000 m2
  • Type:
    Sport and Leisure
  • Status:
  • Design:
  • Scope:
    Competition design
  • Share:
  • MWM Team:
    Maciej Łobos, Marcin Smoczeński, Wacław Matłok, Adela Koszuta-Szylar, Jakub Dudek, Karolina Skoczyńska, Jakub Marchwiany
  • Awards:
    • Honourable mention

Organic shape of the building, which grows out of the adjacent terrain, allows to offset the impact of the body of complex on the environment and avoid the rivalry that a large volume can present to the Castle dominating over the area.


The arched bend of the front facade allows to keep large part of the existing tree stand, growing along the street. The southern terraces facing the river will be used for the location of an open swimming pool, a sunbathing zone and an outdoor play zone.

All functional zones have been placed under the surface of the green “blanket”, which is the main recreational space. Thanks to creation of a green meadow on the roof, residents and tourists have the opportunity to enjoy an active holiday and admire the view of the castle and the Słonne Mountains.


The building is accessible from the road through ramps that additionally communicate with the hotel. Arched building elements allow to enter the roof and overcome the distance between the road and the San River.


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