Hotel Ferreus

Project info
  • Location:
    Krakow, Kopernika Str. 6
  • Client:
    Stalprodukt SA
  • Area:
    6 370 m2
  • Type:
    Interior Design, Hospitality
  • Status:
  • Design:
  • Construction:
  • Services:
    Interior Design
  • Scope:
    Idea, Executive Design
  • Share:
  • MWM Team:
    Marcin Smoczeński, Maciej Łobos, Adela Koszuta-Szylar, Wacław Matłok, Aleksandra Machniak, Aneta Hetnarowicz, Maria Sońska, Aleksandra Smolik, Jakub Marchwiany, Aleksander Podvornyi
  • Colaborators:
    • Architecture:
      ABP T.Półchłopek, M.Stępień
    • Consultant:
      Instytut Rynku Hotelowego
  • Contractor:

A 5-star hotel located in the historic center of Cracow in the immediate vicinity of Planty (planted area designated for strolling). The new function was placed in the place of the former tenement house, from which only the front facade and part of the back annex were left.

The four-storey building has 70 rooms, conference rooms, restaurant, swimming pool, SPA and underground parking. The inner yard, in which the main restaurant room was located was covered with a glass roof.

MWM’s task was to create interiors that would provide a unique experience to a particularly demanding group of customers. The design departs from the economical, modernist aesthetics characteristic for contemporary interiors and is a nod to the rich, bourgeois tradition of the 19th century.

As a result of close cooperation with IRH consultants, a solution was created that combines contemporary trends, Cracow tradition and the Art deco style. The interiors, despite the common style, retain a remarkably individual character, are full of details and non-standard, craft solutions.

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